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Geography teaches an understanding of places and environments. Through their work in geography, children at Riverside Primary School learn about their local area, and they compare their life in this area with that in other regions in the Channel Islands, United Kingdom and in the rest of the world.


At Riverside Primary School we aim to provide an education in geography that:

  • Enables children to gain knowledge and understanding of places in the world.
  • Helps children learn about some physical and human aspects of geography through the study of local and global localities.
  • Increases the children’s knowledge of other cultures.
  • Develops children’s respect for other cultures.
  • Helps children appreciate that there are similarities and differences between cultures within the world and their own environment.
  • Allow children to learn how to use and interpret atlases, globes and maps.
  • Encourages children to think about environmental problems and enhances their sense of responsibility for the care of the earth.
  • Introduces children to geographical enquiry to enable them to carry out independent research.
  • Develops the use of geographical skills through: questioning, comparing and contrasting, recording, observing and concluding.


For more information about Riverside's approach to Georgraphy, please read our school policy: 

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