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Safer Internet Day 2023


We shared the story of Smartie the Penguin. It generated lots of great discussion with the children and they learnt a rhyme to help remind them how to stay safe when using the internet. The children then had the opportunity to create posters during their independent learning time.


We also had a visit from some of the digital leaders. Dylan, Tyler, Callum and Riley shared the story ‘Old Macdonald had a Phone’ with the children.


Year 1 explored what the internet is. We looked at the different uses of the internet and then started to explore the risks. We ended by looking at some rules for safe usage. 


In Year 2, we read the story ‘Hanni and the Magic Window’. We spent some time discussing how the window is similar to the technology we might have at home. We spoke about how it is full of amazing and wonderful things but that sometimes, we might see something that we wish we hadn’t. We thought about what we could do and who we could speak to if we felt upset or worried about something we had seen online.


In Dolphin class, we played a board game, looking at the importance of being able to ask for help as and when it’s needed. We discussed the types of scenarios we might find ourselves in, when using technology, how they may make us feel and who would be the best person to ask for help from in each case.  The children then practised asking the questions for each scenario they came across.


KS1 had a visit from some of the digital leaders. Harrison & Ruby visited Bear Class; Albert & Bertie visited Otter Class; Isla & Rosie visited Lion Class; and Louie & Owen visited Dolphin Class. They shared a variety of stories including: Old Macdonald had a Phone, Chicken Clicking and Troll Stinks.

Year 3/4

We watched the BBC live lesson by CBBC's Joe Tasker and Blue Peter’s Mwaksy Mudenda, then watched a ppt about E Safety. In our groups, we looked at how we need to be responsible when using the internet and how it is good to talk about internet safety. We also looked at scenarios and discussed an appropriate age level to be doing these. E.g completing online games; playing a game where you can shoot people; do research online independently. We now understand the importance of talking and communicating to an adult when we feel worried about online safety.

We participated in the BBC live lesson with CBBC's Joe Tasker and Blue Peter’s Mwaksy Mudenda. During the live lesson, we ranked online safety worries from biggest worry to smallest worry. We also created online safety posters. The final part of the live lesson involved creating a new character for the DIgital Defence Squad. After the live lesson, we completed the A to Z of technology. We also looked at some real life scenarios and discussed how we could resolve the problems. We ended the day by watching Newsround, which we had some top tips from BBC Own It.

Year 6

We also participated in the BBC live lesson with CBBC's Joe Tasker and Blue Peter’s Mwaksy Mudenda.   After that, we participated in a selection of activities taken from the Safer Internet Day official resources.

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