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Year 3

Autumn 1 - Online Safety

In this unit, children learn about preventing and dealing with cyberbullying; how to use search engines efficiently; how to avoid plagiarism online; and how to be a good digital citizen. The unit ends with children applying their new knowledge to design a character to be displayed around school to promote online safety.


Ways to support at home 

Autumn 2 - Drawing and DTP

This unit is aimed at developing children’s graphic and presentation skills by introducing drawing as opposed to painting. It also goes on to further children’s understanding of layouts using a desktop publishing application. Children will learn to draw, order, group and manipulate objects to make a picture. They will also learn to evaluate and create effective layouts, combining text and images.

Spring 1 - Word Processing

This is the third word processing unit, following the units in Years 1 and 2, aimed at teaching basic word-processing skills to children. In this unit, children will learn to use various features for formatting text.  The first lesson focuses on some important computer skills and introduces children to screenshots and the Snipping Tool, and secure use of passwords.


Ways to support at home 
Google Doc

Spring 2 - Online Searchers and Surfers

In this unit about Online Searchers and Surfers, children will learn about what the Internet is, how the Internet works and the three different types of connections that can be used. They will then have the opportunity to explore web browsers and search engines, learning how to detect if a web page can be trusted whilst also ensuring that they know how to stay safe online. Finally, they will learn how to copy
and paste images from the web and complete their own scavenger hunt project at the end of the unit.

Summer 1 - Presentation Skills

This unit develops children's use of presentation software. The first three lessons teach children new skills, following on from previous skills learnt; setting the theme, slide transitions, animating objects onto the slide, creating hyperlinks in the action settings and adding audio and video. 

Summer 2 - Turtle, Logo and Scratch

This Programming Turtle Logo and Scratch unit will teach your class to create and debug algorithms. Following  on from the earlier Year 2 unit on Preparing for Turtle Logo, the children use the basic commands in Logo to move and draw using the turtle on screen, and then further develop algorithms using the “repeat” command. These skills are then developed by teaching children to create algorithms in Scratch using a selection of blocks

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