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Year 4

Autumn 1 - Online Safety

In this unit, children learn about preventing and dealing with cyberbullying; how to use search engines efficiently; how to avoid plagiarism online; and how to be a good digital citizen. The unit ends with children applying their new knowledge to design a character to be displayed around school to promote online safety.


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Autumn 2 -  Word processing

In this unit children will learn about formatting images and organising content into and effective layout.  The first lesson focuses on formatting images and making them suitable for a poster advertising a cake sale. Throughout the rest of the unit, children will learn new skills and techniques and apply them to creating a range of different word documents (posters, letters to parents, job rotas, recipe cards and e-vouchers) which they will use during the
cake sale project.

Spring 1 - Animation

This unit teaches children the basic principles and techniques of simple animation. Beginning with the history of animation, children research some of the early animation techniques used before the use of computers. The lessons then compare a range of free animation software and children incorporate the different techniques into their own animation. After experimenting, children are then given the
opportunity to evaluate their experiences in the final lesson.

Spring 2 - Programming Turtle Logo

This Programming Turtle Logo unit will teach children how to create an algorithm to program a procedure. Lessons are designed to be used with online programs such as Turtle Logo/Logo Interpreter or MSWLogo. Children are reminded of the basic commands and how to repeat alongside a variable. The children are then shown how to program their own procedures, use colour and set the position of the turtle using coordinates. In the concluding lesson they use the arc command to create patterns using different shapes and randomly selected colours, which they are encouraged to share with the rest of the class.

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Summer 1 - Scratch questions and quizzes

In this unit about Coding with Scratch: Questions and Quizzes, children will learn what a quiz is and the features that make them exciting. They will then create their own multiplication quizzes on Scratch, using a variety of Scratch blocks. The children will have the opportunity to experiment with adding various effects to make their quizzes more visually appealing and interactive. The unit is completed by the children creating a competitive multiplication quiz, creating variables and using Sensing and
Operators blocks.

Summer 2 - Communication and Collaboration

In this unit about Communication and Collaboration, the children will begin by gaining an understanding of the difference between online and offline communication. Then, they will explore online communication in detail, as well as looking at the positives and negatives of different online communication methods. Children will also learn all about emails. They will learn about: the features of email in detail; the process of how emails are sent; explore what email protocols are and then practise sending emails themselves. They will also learn how to send attachments in an email and understand what spam emails are, delving into the concept of phishing. Finally, children will explore how to collaborate online using a cloud storage service and the tools they offer for editing online documents, working collaboratively alongside others.

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